CyberData Paging Solutions for Education Verticals

Prepare for a Safe Back-to-School Return with CyberData‘s paging solutions! Many school districts are tackling how to successfully re-open while maintaining safety protocols. Updating current, or installing new paging and mass notification systems to provide safety reminders to students is critical. CyberData has a number of solutions to make bringing students back-to-school safe and secure. 

SIP Paging Server with Bell Scheduler

The SIP Paging Server solution enables zone paging and scheduled safety announcements as well as chimes and bells for class changes, providing up to 250 scheduled events.

SIP Outdoor Horn

Indoor/Outdoor SIP horns provide announcements, reminders about safety, and emergency notification in loud environments.

SIP Speakers

SIP Speakers can also deliver safety reminders in offices and classrooms.

Multicast Ceiling Speaker

Multicast Speakers are a cost-efficient option for hallways and common areas.

SIP Call Button

The SIP Call Button can play a stored audio message to horns and speakers via Multicast while simultaneously placing a SIP call to emergency services.

These paging solutions from CyberData offer a full solution for any education vertical to help ensure the safety of student. When deployed together, you can have peace of mind knowing that CyberData’s solutions work conducively with your current VoIP network.

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