3CX Updates for MacOS & iOS

Are your users utilizing the 3CX client for MacOS?  The latest update will help with their call capabilities, with a focus on making calls connect faster than ever before, as well a fix to connection issues that were occurring in MacOS Sierra.  Also, improvements have been made for calls that were using TCP and were disconnecting after 32 seconds.
If you’re using V15, you can update your Mac client by:

  • Logging into the 3CX Management console
  • Pressing the “Updates” dropdown & selecting “3CX Clients.” Your new update will be displayed
  • Selecting the update named “MacOS” and then pressing “Download Selected.” The 3CX server will download the MacOS client update and push it to your users.
  • When your users start or restart their existing clients, they will be prompted that a new update is available. Existing clients will automatically update & apply the new client update.

If you want to download the 3CX client for MacOS manually, you can do so by visiting the 3CX blog here and following the download link.

Want to take the latest iOS client (BETA) for a test run?  3CX invites you to sign up as a pre-release user for the iOS client.  You’ll get the latest builds before anyone else.  Sign up directly on the 3CX page here.
The new BETA client includes a number of improvements, as well as including IPv6 support to providers that have recently switched their networks to IPv6.  Some other improvements include:

  • Copy & paste of numbers
  • Editing is now possible when tapping on the display keyboard / number pad
  • Contact details allow click-to-call
  • Fixes for Verizon, T-Mobile, and Rogers
  • Push notifications fixed when phone is in TCP model without Tunnel (a requirement for IPv6 Connections)

If you’re looking for more assistance with 3CX, call one of our 3CX Certified Support experts at 888-864-7786.

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