2018 Marketing Trends to Increase Your VoIP Sales

Although the thought is scary, it happens to also be true: 2018 is only months away. Right now is the ideal time to start beginning your 2018 marketing strategy. But what should you focus on? What will be the key marketing trends to focus on in the new year? And are you able to start implementing those practices now? Here are a few different strategies to start taking a look at as we round out Q3 2017.

Digital Advertising Versus Traditional Ads

Digital advertising is not going anywhere. In fact, it has been predicted that it will continue to beat out traditional forms of advertising, such as radio, print, and TV. By the end of 2017, digital advertising will overtake TV as the biggest advertising category. For 2018, your advertising focus should be on digital. Do thorough research of what telecom/VoIP sites would be best for you to advertise on and also identify if you should be paying for PPC ads with Google Adwords. A SEM strategist can assist in your research.
And do not forget about remarketing ads. Just because a potential customer saw your ad once does not mean that they’ll remember you. Those remarketing ads – the ones that keep popping up here and there all the time – are actually quite effective. The Search Engine Journal found that 91% of search experts use remarketing ads and feel they’re highly effective.

Mobile Optimization of Your Website

Maybe your focus in 2017 was not your website or SEO. Maybe, instead, it was on rebranding, advertising, or creating promotions. It was found, though, that whenever a customer needs to search for a product, 96% of users will reach for their smartphone to conduct that research. Do you want your customers to search on their smartphone and come across your website that is not mobile optimized? No. It is important to make sure you are anticipating customers’ needs by managing micro-moments and providing them with quick, relevant, and useful information. This means that it is just as important to make sure your website works for them when they are needing this information on their phones.
It is important to make sure you are anticipating customers’ needs by managing micro-moments and providing them with quick, relevant, and useful information. This means that your website needs to work whenever customers are looking to fulfill those needs. Your website needs to be optimized for mobile because so many users are only viewing it on their smartphone. Also, make sure that mobile site loads quickly. It was reported that the average retail site takes 6.9 seconds to load, but users only want to wait 3.45 seconds.

Use Videos to Engage Your Customers

You post a few photos of phone models on your website and call it a day. But is that really going to grab your customers? Or, would a product video that demonstrates the features in a fresh, informative yet down-to-earth way be a bit better? The Wall Street Journal found that online video consumption increased tenfold between 2011 & 2016 and this trend does not plan on slowing down. Your customers are more tempted from videos because they attach a deeper attachment to that visual experience. Try promoting your new products – or even your brand in an “About Us” clip – with high-quality video content.

Personalize Your Customers’ Website Experience

It is not “one-size-fits-all” when trying to please your customers. Each customer is going to be looking for a different product to fit their different needs. It may be difficult to know the specific needs of each customer, but you can do this by creating dynamic content on your website. New visitors to your website will receive one message while returning visitors will see another. A returning visitor may see products they recently viewed displayed on the site, while new visitors may receive a pop-up saying “Welcome!” and asking them to subscribe to an e-mail blast. This “smart content,” as defined by HubSpot, will help keep your experiences personalized.

Take Advantage of Email Automation

Email AutomationEmail Automation is an effective way to truly engage your email subscribers. This process allows you to send out messages to your customers at designated times or when they perform specific actions. Have a customer that has been keeping items in their online shopping cart for days? Schedule an email to notify them. Have a new subscriber to your email list? Welcome them with a new subscriber email. There are many different email workflows you should become aware of and should be using in your marketing automation in 2018.

Are you a value-added reseller or a service provider that needs a bit more assistance with your marketing in 2018? Contact the marketing team at 888VoIP at marketing@888voip.com to put together your new marketing game plan.

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